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#ProjectProgress- Week 1

My life has been a bit of a rollercoaster recently. After a Summer of hell I am finally finding my feet again and it has taken a lot. Actually it's taken everything I have to not go 'fuck it' and give up on my ten year journey to become a lawyer.

Over the Summer I literally gave up on everything; I didn't want to tell my friends and family that I hadn't secured a job at my firm so I stopped meeting/calling/texting people. I thought about leaving Law all together and starting a job in Marketing. I stopped exercising and eating properly. I ate very little in the day and then a mountain of junk at night. Project TenOnTenOff died. I wasn't sleeping and just felt numb, and if I did feel anything it was just this overwhelming sense of failure which led to break downs and upset. Whilst all trying to find another job and put on a 'hire me' mask. We also had 2 family bereavements within 2 weeks of each other in July which are still painful. It has been one of the most challenging times of my life.

BUT saying all that I have just finished my first week as a Corporate Solicitor in my new firm and I love my new job, Mark and I went to Rome the week before last to celebrate his 30th birthday and despite the hotel being a disaster and not sleeping for 3 nights and both coming home really sick, Rome was beautiful and it was nice to get away.

So as everything is coming together, I have decided to get my fitness back on track; I have a vision in my head for my own 30th and its only 8 months away so. of course, I have a plan of action.

As I've said I have 8 months so between now and Christmas I am working on the basics again; healthy eating and a good exercise routine. I am currently 10kg/20lbs heavier than my goal weight, which I haven't been in about 8 or 9 years and I am desperately uncomfortable with myself. Clothes aren't fitting, I hate photos of myself (and I've always been bloody fussy about that) and I just feel awful- so dumpy and lethargic. So I've got my goal and I'm slowly finding my motivation.

My plan of action is to lose the weight gradually over the next 15 weeks: September 3lbs, October 6lbs, November 6lbs and December 5lbs. They are just rough figures but I cant wait to get started again. Keeping a record of the numbers is honestly the only way that I can stay on track, and when I stop I put on weight and don't bother. But I'm not just talking about a number on a scale, Im talking measurements, calorie deficit etc... and it really helps me so I have a new notebook to take down all the info I need.

Rules as well; weigh in on Monday mornings (so I don't go mental over the weekend), treat meal on a Saturday, Milky coffees at the weekend only, measurements on the first of the month and for the love of God no burgers!!

Week One hasn't gone swimmingly- I've been super sick for over a week now, to the point that I've been pretty deaf, coughing ridiculously and I've lost my tastebuds so exercise has been no and I've sleep a lot. On top of that I started my new job. But on the plus, we got the attic floored recently and that has freed up the back bedroom which we have turned into a gym! We have a squat rack, bench press, weights area, lots of room to do my exercise videos, a bosu ball, kettle bells, dumb bells etc... so I cant wait to get better to start using all this awesome stuff!!

So Summary of Week 1- Sicky but excited to start :)

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