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#ProjectProgress- Week 5

Weigh In: Sunday 15th October

Weight Loss this week: 0.7kg/1.54lbs

Target Per week: 0.64kg/1.4lbs

Weight still to lose by EoM: 2.5kg/5.5lbs

To Go In Total: 6.4kg/14lbs/1 stone

(NB: Change of Target weight by 1kg)


This week I have been ON IT with my Yoga Abs and water intake. I love doing a bit of exercise at lunch times and it is such a good use of time; I'm still getting a break but also being proactive and I'm not feeling the guilt in the evenings when I don't do Yoga Abs as I promised I would.

I'm still trying to figure out how to get exercise into my evenings. My arms/legs/arms&legs schedule has just been an epic fail so I'm thinking if I have two set days- either Tuesday/Thursday or Monday/Wednesday (apparently you should never miss a Monday exercise wise- maybe there's something behind that) and one session on the weekend and just do that. We are already half way through October and I am still to stick to an exercise routine which is key here. Consistency is key and I need to desperately create some if I want to lose a stone by Christmas.

I'm taking part in another 30 days Party Season challenge over November which should be great but I would like to get in at least 6 workouts before November starts! Im trying to desperately remember what I did when we lived in the apartment; like did I exercise before dinner and if so where did that energy come from? Did I do late night sessions? I know I used to get to the gym at 4.30 before my 7am shift started but I am nowhere near that motivated atm. ummmm...

But anyway this week I managed to do two sessions- one weight and one cardio (finally) and I found a really interesting article on Pinterest (originally from Woman's Health) about how much strength training one should do per week which I'm going to start following. I was really proud of myself for going for a run as well; I am so unfit but I stuck at it and did 5k. I actually quite enjoyed it and want to keep a bit of running in my routine, its just establishing that routine that's the hard part.


I was doing a bit of an experiment this week; I was taking a picture of every single thing I ate and putting it on my Instastory. By Friday I was bored of it (and lets face it it was super annoying) but it did keep me accountable for what I was eating and it was a good way for me to see where I'm going wrong. From my own analysis it looks like by the late afternoon/ early evening time I fall off the wagon, whether it be with some chocolate or chips with dinner its my evenings that are letting me down food wise. So for the coming week I have already prepped 3 meals worth of brown rice and broccoli. Mark bought some avocados so I'm going to try and continue to have a good breakfast and maybe more with lunch so that I'm not so peckish in the evening.


Im feeling blah, I still have a long way to go and it would be so much better if I could just bottle motivation and just drink it when I need it so instead Im going to give myself a short term goal which I have literally just thought of and its bloody terrifying; in 3 weeks time I'm going to post my before and mid photos. #ProjectPic within #ProjectProgress should keep me motivated.

Rach x

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