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ProjectTwoNineFour - January 2018 - Week 2


Total weight to lose: 9.5kg/20.9lbs

Weight lost this week: 0.8kg/1.7lbs

Still to lose: 5.7kg/12.5lbs



Another 0.8kg off- yay :) but God, I miss wine and cheese. and chocolate. and bread. and burgers.

But my energy levels are so much better especially since I've been drinking more water. I didn't drink as much water over the weekend and this morning I was absolutely knackered. I also broke my new water bottle that I had for only 5 days. Rage.

I'm still doing my vegan shake lunches which is grand and it has loads of vitamins so it has double benefits. I tried green juicing as well this week and it was drinkable but meh, Im not that fussed. I've lost 8lbs in two weeks, which I know is a lot so come February I'm going to be restructuring my diet to include carb cycling. I think. Im still doing my research on the benefits and detriments of it. There's a trainer I love called Heidi Powell who swears by it so hopefully by next week I'll have a February plan of action. I still have about 13lbs to lose but Im really excited to lose it, I've already lost about a third of my goal weight and Ive started holiday shopping so Im excited for all of the outfit planning.


I'm doing a programme at the minute called 'Stronger by Sophie'. It's exactly the routine I need; I couldn't get through the leg workout last week, my legs totally seized up but I'm determined to get through it tomorrow. So the programme is an 8 week challenge made up of mind and body exercises and it has cute ideas like reading for an hour on Saturdays or tidying out a cupboard and then the exercise side of it is quite intense and includes legs &abs, back & chest, shoulders & arms, HIIT, circuits and stretching- its awesome. Sophie does competitions, she shreds and just looks amazing - I will never look like that but she such a Fitspo.


I brought all of my summer holiday clothes out of the attic at the weekend; before I buy a new Summer wardrobe (that I definitely do not need) I want to go through my old clothes and sort them. At the minute I have 3 piles of clothes:

- Definitely keep

- this has never fit me (too small) so if I fit into it by April, keep if not finally give away

- Can not longer rock this as a respectable 30 year old- Charity

So at the minute our spare room looks like a hurricane hit it but I'll work my way through it. I hate it when my clothes don't fit properly it really affects my confidence so Im not going to start trying anything on until end of March time, so until then MUST KEEP AT IT!

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