ProjectTwoNineFour- February 2018- Week 6
Total weight to lose: 9.5kg/20.9lbs
Weight lost this week: Not sure
Total weight lost so far: Not sure
Still to lose: TBC
How are we nearly half way through February and I still do not have anything sorted!
Time has just run away and we've been crazy busy, we've been so busy that this week we've had to make a housework schedule of what do everyday so that this week it actually gets done because its starting to stress me out!
It just seems to have all kicked off at once; the weekend before last I was in Ballymena and out with Academy friends, last weekend we were in London, this weekend I have some of my lovely IPLS friends coming to stay and then this time next week is Iceland!! By the time we get back it will be the 23rd and there will be only 5 days of February left and I STILL DON'T HAVE MY CARB CYCLING MENU SORTED!!
So at some point this week I am determined to just pick bloody meals. I think what I'm also going to do is not weight in again until the end of February; I'm not writing off this month but as Lent is starting on Wednesday and I was so restrictive over January I have been eating whatever I wanted really and have been a bit too lax. I worked out only 2 times really last week so this week I really want to focus on a better evening routine; that being workout, housework, shower, dinner in that order. I also want to focus on my 50/10s (50 squats and 10 minute abs per day) because so far that's been pretty poor so I'm going to do that on my lunches. There just seem to be a lot of (very fun) distractions, not that I'm complaining but I need to find some balance.
So last weekend we were over visiting the fam and we had such a lovely weekend. I'm going to so a 'Wandering Spud' blog about London soon with all of our favourites but last weekend I got hair done; I've wanted a much more blonde balayage for ages and my fabulous hairdresser is just amazing, she did an AWESOME job!
Whilst I was waiting for my colour to be done one of the guys at the salon 'did my Chakra' (which was Manipura apparently) and it was surprisingly accurate, I don't know maybe there's something to it maybe it doesn't do a thing and its completely psychosomatic the oils he sprayed certainly smelled really lovely and are apparently available at House of Fraser.
Just on a side note, one of the highlights of my week- we tried a new coffee shop called Coffeeology in Richmond and this lovely random man let me hold his puppy, he literally just handed to me and said 'here', her name was Kelly and she was a long haired dachshund- so all in all it was a lovely weekend.