Pregnant Potato: Vlog Series Introduction
Welcome to my new vlog/blog series!
If you've seen our reveal video (link below) you'll know that our baby 'Bean' is due at the end of March 2020. I wanted to do this vlog/blog series because my pregnancy was not *at all* what I expected. I have had a very difficult time; what with hyperemesis, wicked acid reflux, muscle separation pains and numerous trips to A&E, I really do feel robbed of something that is meant to be a 'joyous and wonderful' time.
That being said Bean is a blessing; the pregnancy process, for me, just hasn't been so I wanted to share my story because I feel that I was completely unprepared for what was to come.
I really hope you enjoy this vlog series :)
Next in the Series: Prepping for Pregnancy- Trying to Conceive Tips
Thumbnail Image: © 2019 TEN21 Photography
↠Instagram: Lil__Spud
↠Twitter: RachaelKAndrew
↠Blog: Black Coffee White Roses Spud Blog- ____________________
↠Birth Vlog
#Pregnant #Hyperemesis #HG #HyperemesisGravidarum #March2020 #April2020 #SpringBaby #HavingABaby #Baby #ParentsToBe #MumToBe #Familyof3 #BabyBump #BabyBelly #Expecting #MaternityFashion #PregnancyFashion #BumpPic